Here you’ll find a variety of resources to help you learn about the leaves of absence available to eligible Albertsons associates.

LOA Glossary

View the LOA Glossary for abbreviations and terms that apply to the laws and programs that provide income replacement or job protection during a leave of absence.

Leave of Absence Process Diagram

Review the interactive Leave of Absence Process Diagram for an overview of the steps involved from before you request a leave of absence to your return to work.

Leave of Absence Overviews

Download one-page PDF overviews of the leaves of absence available to eligible associates.

State Disability and Family/Medical Leave Programs

Learn which states have available disability and family/medical leave programs for associates who work in those states.

Leave of Absence FAQs

Review a list of frequently asked questions and answers about leaves of absence.

Leave of Absence Forms

Access various LOA forms here.

Certification of Healthcare Provider Form (CHP Form)
This form must be completed by you and your doctor and submitted for your own medical leave or pregnancy and childbirth leave to certify your medical or pregnancy disability. This form should also be completed by your family member’s doctor if you are taking a care of a family member leave.

Healthcare Provider Status Form (HPS Form)
This form must be completed by you and your doctor immediately prior to your return to work. The completed form should indicate if you are able to return to work with no restrictions or if any specific restrictions are required. This form only applies to your own medical leave.