Our medical plans are designed to give you the options you need to manage your health the way you want. In most locations, you can choose from three national medical plans — an EPO HP-Network Plan/EPO Network Plan, HSA Plan and PPO Plan administered by Blue Cross of Idaho (BCI). Depending on where you live, you may be eligible for one or more regional medical plans.

EPO HP-Network Plan
Depending on your zip code, you will be offered the EPO HP-Network Plan or the EPO Network Plan. See locations for the EPO HP-Network Plan noted below. Both plans exclusively cover you for in-network doctors and facilities. Except in the case of an emergency, you’ll pay the full price for any out-of-network care.
Note: The EPO HP-Network Plan covers care only within these locations. Any dependents who live outside of these network locations, such as children away at school, will not be covered (except in the case of emergency). The EPO Network Plan will cover care outside of your location as long as you use in-network providers.
High performance network locations: Click here for a list of Blue HPN markets available in 2024.
EPO Network Plan
This plan exclusively covers you for in-network doctors and facilities. Except in the case of an emergency, you’ll pay the full price for any out-of-network care. If you do not live in a high-performance network location, you will be offered the EPO Network Plan. The EPO Network Plan uses the national PPO network.
View an overview of the EPO HP-Network Plan and EPO Network Plan.
The medical plans available are based on your home zip code. You can see the specific plans available to you when you enroll in your 2024 benefits on the enrollment website.
Download a Things to Consider When Choosing a Medical Plan flyer to help you choose the best medical plan for you and your family.
HSA Plan
You can see both in-network and out-of-network providers without a referral, but keep in mind staying in-network for care will almost always be less expensive. To help with your share of costs, this plan gives you the option to participate in a Health Savings Account (HSA).
View an overview of the HSA Plan or learn about a Fidelity HSA.
The medical plans available are based on your home zip code. You can see the specific plans available to you when you enroll in your 2024 benefits on the enrollment website.
Download a Things to Consider When Choosing a Medical Plan flyer to help you choose the best medical plan for you and your family.
PPO Plan
You can see both in-network and out-of-network providers without a referral, but keep in mind staying in-network for care will almost always be less expensive.
View an overview of the PPO Plan.
The medical plans available are based on your home zip code. You can see the specific plans available to you when you enroll in your 2024 benefits on the enrollment website.
Download a Things to Consider When Choosing a Medical Plan flyer to help you choose the best medical plan for you and your family.
Regional Plans
Depending on your location, you may be eligible for one ore more regional medical plans. You can see the specific plans available to you when you enroll in your 2024 benefits at myaci.albertsons.com.