Flexible Time Off FAQs

FAQs: Flexible Time Off2025-02-27T14:24:33-08:00

Here you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions and answers about Flexible Time Off (FTO).

How does Flexible Time Off Work?2025-02-27T14:13:53-08:00

With FTO, you do not accrue (earn) paid time off. Instead, with your manager’s approval, you have the flexibility to take time off when you need it for discretionary absences (such as a vacation or a personal day), without worrying about how many hours you have available. While you are on FTO, you will continue to be paid your base salary. You can take up to a maximum of three consecutive weeks FTO at one time.

Who is eligible for Flexible Time Off?2025-02-27T14:45:31-08:00

FTO is available to non-union salaried associates in a corporate or division office.

Non-union salaried associates in stores, distribution centers and manufacturing plants follow their current vacation/PTO program. Questions about current vacation/PTO programs should be referred to your local HR representative

How do I request Flexible Time Off?2025-02-27T14:47:10-08:00

You should request FTO by notifying your manager as far in advance as possible. Approval of your request for FTO will be based on your manager’s review of appropriate business considerations including the needs of the department, your ability to meet your work commitments and duties.

What happened to my unused vacation or Paid Time Off hours at the time I became eligible for Flexible Time Off?2025-02-27T14:50:43-08:00

After any carryover limitations or maximum accruals were applied, your accrued, unused vacation or banked PTO hours were frozen on 01/01/2022 and will be paid out at termination of employment unless the PTO or vacation is used when you are unable to use FTO, such as during a Company-approved leave of absence.

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