Learn how to reduce your risks by getting recommended health screenings.
A survey by Cleveland Clinic found that 72 percent of men would rather do household chores than go to the doctor, and only 50 percent get preventive care. Annual physical exams and recommended disease screenings can help detect health issues earlier, when they’re often easier and less costly to treat. Find out when to get health screenings here.
Important Screenings for Men
- Blood pressure – Adults should start getting screened at age 18.1
- Colon cancer – Starting at age 50. You may need to get screened earlier if you have other risks, such as family history.1
- Cholesterol – Talk with your doctor about when and how often to get your cholesterol checked.
- Prostate cancer – Start talking with your doctor at age 50, or earlier if you have risk factors.2
- Depression – Ask for a screening if you feel sad, hopeless or lose interest in activities you used to enjoy.
- Diabetes – Get blood glucose checked as part of your cardiovascular assessment when you are age 40 or older and you are overweight or obese.1
- Any other screenings you’re concerned about, such as glaucoma, hepatitis C, mental health or skin cancer.
1. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. “USPSTF A and B Recommendations.”
http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org (current as of February 2019).
2. Mayo Foundation. “Prostate cancer screening: Should you get a PSA test?”
https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/psa-test/in-depth/prostate-cancer/art-20048087 (February 5, 2019).
Get Healthier Today!
- Be physically active and make healthy food choices
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Get vaccinations your doctor recommends
- Be tobacco-free